Friday, June 24, 2011

Week 25 - I feel the lies piling up

I have no idea where to look when I am stuck in a lie.
Part of me wants to turn back the clock
Part of me wants to never be in this swamp

All in all it is the bitter sweetened fruit in the middle
of the dormant fragile crust that is buttered and kneaded
and baked in the heat with vents to let out the stench!

Friday, June 17, 2011

Week 24 - Everything I ever hoped for is happening.

But I do not like the feeling inside. I think I wished for the wrong thing to happen. But I am on the top of the roller coaster and I know that I am going to hate this ride, I am going to lose my dignity swearing out loud, but come out of this fine. Fine and relieved. Fine and alive. Fine and swearing never to do this again.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Week 23 - Where are all the lovely hours gone?

When I was young, I had the nerve!
I went about the hours of my day and everything made sense.
I did not live for many people and I had my life cut out.
The way I need it to dress me and for everything to work out.

Now I am grown and used to this life,
I know how to live and how to get around,
I have it all figured out, the meaning and the rhyme too.
But I have nothing I want to make the harmony of my soul

I live the way I want to still, go about the way I do,
But the people dont matter to me and I dont matter to them
They do things for me I do not want them to and they dont like what I do
Nothing rhymes like it used to and nothing sounds like it should.

I want to say that Nature is right,
you go when someone is hungry
cause living and living and living
like this can get boring too.

Friday, June 03, 2011

Week 22 - Well the garden isnt speaking to me.

Someone or the other isn't speaking to me at any given time.
If it is not my heart then it is my head
I cant imagine why I want to speak to anyone
When all I want is peace and quiet and stillness in my soul