Tuesday, March 06, 2007

I don't have time to splurge

I am how old now? Never mind that ..
but now that I am older than before, that is.
I audit my life sometimes, right?
And if there is a waste of my time, ever.
I feel I wasted a big chunk of my life, you know.
With some really useless people, I swear.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Find me a wand

I hate my life!
People think that when they say these words
everyone will stop and listen.
Someone will be touched.
Maybe even gape!

Well, actually, everyone hates their lives.
Get used to it,

Everyone wants to be heard.
Get over it.

Everyone, in fact, has a great life,
We complicate it and then it hurts.

Not a migraine

So many hours are wasted,
on my depressed state

so many miles I've not tread
when i am deflated

So many thing not done,
because I am undone.

Who can mend
what I cannot tear?